January 25, 2017 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

As a cosmetics clinic in Perth, we offer a range of facial rejuvenation procedures that can achieve the outcome you are after when it comes to your appearance. In consultation with our therapists, Timeless can develop a skin care plan that will maximise the results and extend the life of a procedure. Below we discuss the treatments on offer and what they can do for you.

Wrinkles Relaxers

Used to relax specific facial muscles, wrinkle relaxers prevent muscles from contracting and leaving wrinkles. Wrinkle relaxers are used by women of many ages as both a preventative and a reactionary treatment to fine and deeper lines.

Administering wrinkle relaxers takes only 10 minutes with little discomfort, making them an easy and pain-free option for improving the appearance of your skin.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers assist your skin to naturally hydrate and improve elasticity. The naturally occurring complex sugars combine with pre-existing collagen and elastin to rebuild structure and elasticity that has been lost over time.

Dermal filler as a facial rejuvenation procedure can be used on the lips, on the cheeks and jawline, brow, and forehead with each procedure taking between 15 and 30 minutes.


PRP is a facial rejuvenation procedure that concentrates the regenerative growth factors of platelet rich plasma in your own blood before being injected into areas of the face that would benefit from tissue remodelling for an improved facial appearance.

Undergoing PRP takes under an hour; the PRP processing takes approximately 20 minutes with the cosmetic injections taking around 20-25 minutes.

Fractora Resurfacing

Fractora Facial Resurfacing is a highly advanced facial rejuvenation procedure, delivering radiofrequency energy which heats the skin through pins that ablate the skin. This process stimulates new skin.

The process does have some discomfort as the procedure is delivered in varying intensities depending on the cosmetic outcome desired, however a numbing cream is applied prior to the procedure to minimise this discomfort.


Microdermabrasion is an entry-level facial rejuvenation procedure as it is non-surgical and quite gentle. The procedure deeply exfoliates and polishes the skin, stimulating cell growth and improving wrinkles.

Microdermabrasion can treat a wide variety of problems including fine lines, pigmentation, large pores, acne scarring and scar tissue that causes uneven, bumpy skin.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a facial rejuvenation treatment that uses acids to remove older, dead skin cells and encourage the generation of new skin cells as an essential part of skin maintenance. These non-invasive peels can be adjusted to be more or less intense depending on your skin type and the outcomes you seek.

Some of the benefits to undergoing a chemical peel with Timeless Cosmetics are an improved smoothness to the skin, improve acne and blocked pores, reduce fine lines, improve the absorption of routine skin care products, and to improve superficial scarring or irregular pigmentation.

If you would like to learn more about any of our facial rejuvenation procedures or to book a consult with Dr Gordon Padovan, please get in touch via phone on 08 9544 5200 or contact us via email here.