Tumescent liposuction perth - Timeless Cosmetics Surgery

July 30, 2017 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

Liposuction is one of today’s most commonly performed cosmetic procedures and over the years we have seen many advances. However, with older methods associated with much blood loss and patients frequently requiring blood transfusions, the tumescent technique has come out on top; revolutionising the surgery and revolutionising the worldwide standard of care for liposuction. Here’s everything you need to know about the groundbreaking technique and why we offer it at Timeless Cosmetics in Perth and Mandurah as our preferred method of liposuction.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction, also known as liposculpture, is a highly regarded cosmetic procedure that can aid in reducing and negating particular trouble spots of the body that are not responsive towards traditional weight loss methods such as diet and exercise.

Targeting areas where the body stores fat – including the arms, back, stomach, waist, hips, buttocks, thighs, neck, face and calves – liposuction is an effective procedure for those with a healthy lifestyle looking for a little help removing stubborn fat cells.

Using suction techniques, a tubular metal rod (called a cannula) is inserted into the treatment area through a small incision. This helps to shape and contour parts of the body that have lost their form or which appear lumpy and bumpy due to unwanted fat stores.

What is Tumescent Liposuction?

The method involves injecting a large volume of special fluid (a blend of local anaesthetic and saline solution) into the fat beneath the skin, causing the targeted area to become tumescent, or in other words, swollen and firm. By swelling the fat pockets, the tumescent technique makes it much more accessible for the cannula, giving a greater ability and accuracy in removing fat cells.

This type of liposuction is the perfect option for areas of the body that require a higher degree of precision, such as removing fat from the neck, face and calves. However, it’s also preferred by patients considering liposuction on larger areas.

Benefits of the Tumescent Technique

One of the main benefits of the tumescent technique over older liposuction procedures, is that it’s proven to be much safer. The local anaesthesia in the tumescent solution provides such a complete local anaesthesia that it eliminates the need for general anesthesia or IV sedation.

Tumescent liposuction also provides profound localised vasoconstriction that virtually eliminates bleeding during and after surgery. In fact, the technique is so effective at minimising blood loss that the majority of patients only lose approximately 15 to 30mls (1 to 2 tablespoons) of blood during large volume liposuction. By eliminating the risks of general anaesthesia and excessive bleeding, the tumescent technique has removed the greatest dangers associated with older forms of liposuction.

With this minimised surgical blood loss, comes dramatically less bruising. There are two major reasons for this:

  1. As there is so little blood loss, there is almost no blood that remains beneath the skin to cause the bruising after surgery.
  2. There is a also a considerable amount of post-operative drainage of the blood-tinged anaesthetic solution because the incisions are so small (about 1.5mm) that they don’t require stitches. By allowing the wounds to remain open for 2 to 3 days after the surgery, most of the residual blood-tinged aesthetic solution drains out.

As a result of the minimised bruising and swelling, patients should expect to see an accelerated post-operative recovery time.

Some of other additional benefits of the tumescent technique over older liposuction procedures, include:

  • More targeted method
  • Less painful procedure and faster recovery
  • Optimal cosmetic results

Tumescent Liposuction at Timeless Cosmetics

Are you physically fit and eat well-balanced meals but cannot seem to get a smooth result? Perhaps liposuction is the best option for you. Dr Padovan is an industry leader in the application of innovative liposuction methods, including tumescent. Timeless Cosmetics is well equipped to deliver you aesthetically beautiful results from our practices in either Perth or Mandurah.

If you’re interested in exploring your body contouring options and find the best fit for you, book in a consultation with Dr Padovan at Timeless Cosmetics today.