What is PRP Therapy?

The rationale for the use of PRP is to concentrate the number of platelets from your own blood therefore concentrating the important regenerative growth factors that they contain, PRP is a naturally occurring component extracted from your own (autologous) blood. Blood is made up of red blood cells, white bold cells, platelets and plasma. When platelets are activated in the body they release healing proteins called growth factors. Growth factors create an accumulative result, which assists the body to repair itself by regenerating new tissue, improving blood supply and would healing, all of which are important factors in regenerative therapies.

How does PRP work in tissue?

PRP contains high levels of platelets and when injected into tissue, growth factors are released, which are vital to tissue healing and repair. Tissue that is aged and damaged usually reflects poor texture, wrinkles, sagging and an uneven tone. Patients that want a natural appearance are increasingly recognizing PRP as a useful natural intervention to aid tissue and collagen stimulation. Dermal Fillers cannot directly address the texture and health of collagen tissue however they can be used in conjunction with PRP.

Your skin texture will respond as new tissue cells grow and visible results may take 3-6 weeks and continue for up to 6 months. We are unique so results will depend upon your overall health status, age, dietary variations, whether you smoke and other health factors including your unique skin type. Our medical cosmetic team will discuss this with you in detail to assist in enhancing your results.

When is PRP used?

The PRP system is indicated for orthopaedic procedures, tendon repair, soft and hard tissue remodelling for collagen rejuvenation.

  • Facial rejuvenation
  • Crinkling skin on the neck
  • Crinkling around the eyes
  • Acne scars
  • Backs of hands and arms
  • Décolletage and chest
  • Post pregnancy skin stretching
  • Scar revision
  • Stretch marks

What does the process involve?

A small sample of your own blood is processed in a highly specialized state of the art system, specifically designed to extract the PRP in a safe clinical manner. This PRP is then injected into the areas that require tissue remodelling and rejuvenation.

Is PRP safe to use?

PRP is your own unique (autologous) blood and so you are using your own natural resources to repair and improve your skin tissue. The PRP is processed under exacting clinical standards which all clinicians must adhere to when working with blood products.

Is there discomfort following the PRP treatment?

Each person is unique and the response to intra-dermal injections will vary, though adverse reactions are rare. At Timeless Cosmetics we use a topical anesthesia or injectable anesthetic for better comfort before injecting your PRP. You may feel a tingling sensation after the cosmetic procedure and there may be redness, slight swelling and sometimes bruising, but this is temporary and our medical team will provide you with appropriate treatment and care.

How long will the procedure take?

The processing of your PRP will take 20 minutes and the cosmetic procedure will take on average 20-25 mins.

Regenerative Medicine with a PRP Whole Blood Separating System

The biological regeneration of your collagen and skin tissue is a natural process that can be enhanced with the use of your own PRP. The PRP enhancement process is completed in our treatment rooms within the allotted appointment time and can be used in multiple areas for tissue, collagen and skin rejuvenation. Collagen tissue is throughout the human body and also gives your skin its soft and spongy texture.

Are there any contra-indications to the use of PRP?

You must inform our clinicians if you are taking medication or are undergoing any long-term therapies. The contra-indications discussed will be your Health and Lifestyle, Platelet Dysfunction Syndrome. Critical Thrombocytopenia, Hypofibrinogenaemia, Haemodynamic Instability, Sepsis, Acute and Chronic Infections, Chronic Liver Pathology, Anti Coagulation Therapy, Skin Disease or Cancer, Severe Metabolic and Systemic Disorders.

Call us today to book an appointment or if you have further questions our medical team would be happy to answer any queries you may have. 9527 6244