September 7, 2017 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

In recent years, the popularity of vaginal rejuvenation surgeries, and in particular labiaplasty, have seen a significant increase. Infamously dubbed in the mainstream media and popular culture as the “designer vagina”, labiaplasty has become one the fastest growing areas of cosmetic surgery, with many women worldwide in constant pursuit of the “perfect vagina”.


However, it’s important to point out that this type of surgery is not just about appearances. Labias come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes labiaplasty is necessary for functional and medical reasons. Here’s some important facts you need to know first if you’re considering labiaplasty surgery.


What is Labiaplasty?


Labiaplasty, also known as labial reduction and labia beautification, is the reduction of unwanted skin in the labia minora and labia majora through surgery. A woman’s vulva, or external genitalia, contains two sets of labia, also referred to as “lips”, that provide protection of the clitoris and vaginal opening. These two sets are:


  • The labia minora (the inner lips)
  • The labia majora (the outer lips)


The surgical procedure usually entails a reduction in the size and an enhancing of the shape of the labia minora, the labia majora, or both. During labiaplasty, one or both sets of labia may be trimmed, reshaped, shortened, made thinner, or corrected to gain symmetry.


The Reason for the Rise


So why are women requesting this procedure? Cosmetic motives aside, There are many reasons why someone could want labiaplasty surgery, including:


    • Reducing discomfort – In some women, the labia protrudes to the point where clothing can chafe and cause discomfort, or even make sexual intercourse difficult or uncomfortable.
    • Post-childbirth – The impact of childbirth on the female body is significant and can drastically change the appearance of the vagina and vulva area during pregnancy and labour.


  • Ageing – Ageing can result in a loss of elasticity in the vagina, which can leave women feeling self-conscious or cause physical problems like incontinence and lack of sexual enjoyment.


As the discussion around self-esteem in relation to female genitalia has drawn greater awareness in recent times, it’s important to understand how labiaplasty surgery can help improve body confidence.


Some women may feel their labia is not aesthetically pleasing, which can cause major anxiety and worry about it’s appearance. At Timeless Cosmetics, we want to empower all of our clients to feel comfortable and confident in their own bodies. For women feeling self-conscious about their labia, labiaplasty surgery is a great option.


The Procedure


At Timeless Cosmetics, we can tailor surgical techniques depending upon your situation and desire. Labia reduction surgery can be performed alone or in combination with other procedures, including:


  • Mons Pubis Reduction
  • Clitoral Hood Reduction


Labiaplasty is a day procedure that takes approximately one hour, but may last longer if you’ve elected to have other procedures done simultaneously. Once you’re fully awake from the local anaesthesia and your doctor gives you clearance, you’ll be able to go home the same day.  


The Recovery


You’ll experience some swelling for the first days after labiaplasty and then a general thickening of the area for about 2-3 months. The sutures will begin to dissolve and tend to disappear after 10-14 days.


Some major timeframes to keep in mind during your recovery include:


  • Most people need a couple of days off work
  • Walks for exercise are possible at about 2 weeks
  • Jogging and more vigorous exercise is allowed at about 4 weeks
  • At 6 weeks, there are essentially no restrictions and sexual intercourse is permitted


Dr Padovan will guide you through a customised recovery depending on your exact labia reduction surgery and how your personal recovery process is progressing.

At Timeless Cosmetics, labiaplasty surgery procedures are performed by Dr Gordon Padovan who has trained under Dr Michael Goodman, the pioneer of labiaplasty surgery. If you’re interested in vaginal rejuvenation and want to find out more, book in a consultation with Dr Padovan today.