May 11, 2018 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

Double chins can occur due to various factors such as aging, genetics, and fluctuations in weight. While weight fluctuations can cause double chins, many people believe that by losing weight, they’ll also lose their double chin. But this isn’t always the case. Genetics also play a role in submental chin fat. This means you may have never been overweight in your life but have a double chin.

It is true that when you lose weight, your face becomes leaner and your facial features become more enhanced and more prominent. Yet in some cases, no matter how much you diet, exercise, and do all the right things, your double chin will still be there.


What does the Internet have to say?

Do you know that recent studies have found that over 67% of adults hate their double chin?

The Internet is cluttered with thousands of blogs and websites dedicated to helping people lose their double chins. These said sites and blogs recommend tips from growing beards (this usually applies to men), to doing chin exercises, and chewing gum.

While these exercises can help strengthen and tighten neck muscles, they are not proven to eliminate double chins altogether.

To get rid of their double chin, people often turn to liposuction, facelift surgery, and other surgical procedures to get desired results. However, all the procedures are expensive. They come with a long recovery time, and their results aren’t usually permanent.

But do you know there’s a non-surgical way to get rid of your double chin forever?


Image courtesy of Kybella

Introducing non-surgical double chin removal!

Forget going under the knife. Forget the stitches, long downtime, and discomfort. There’s a new, proven way to lose your double chin without having surgery.

The non-surgical double chin removal injection (or fat dissolving injection) was released in Australia in early 2017. The injection is the synthetic version of a naturally occurring acid called deoxycholic acid. Our bodies produce deoxycholic acid to break down dietary fat. When injected below the chin, the acid destroys the fat cells there, leaving you with a slimmer, sexier neck profile. The good thing about fat cells is that once they are gone, they are gone forever. You can say goodbye to your double chin for good!

As well as destroying the fat cells under your chin, the injection also eliminates any fat deposits in the area so they do not need to be sucked out via liposuction or cut out via other facial surgical procedures.

Even better, we offer it at Timeless Cosmetics!


What can I expect from the procedure?

The procedure takes approximately 15-20 minutes.

The results from the procedure are gradual and it usually takes 4-6 weeks to see any noticeable changes. Depending on the severity of your double chin, up to six treatments may be needed. Our clinicians will advise you on the number of treatments you may need, depending on your situation.

Many people who undergo the procedure usually notice a change in their chin profile within two treatments.


Can the procedure be done by anyone?

As with all other facial rejuvenation procedures, it is very important that non-surgical double chin removal is done by a trained clinician.

The neck is a high-risk area. It is full of nerves, has large blood vessels and the jugular vein. When done by someone with very little to no understanding of anatomy, incidents such as temporary paralysis may occur. Your safety should always come first. Have your procedure done with our trained clinicians at Timeless Cosmetics.


Have you had a double chin without ever needed to lose weight, or have you lost weight but still have your double chin? Our trained professionals at Timeless Cosmetics are here to give you the slim and contoured neck profile you deserve after all your hard work. Give our clinic a call today on 9544 5200 or contact us to schedule a consultation.