Tummy Tuck Surgery Perth - Abdominoplasty Perth - Timeless Cosmetics

June 8, 2017 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

Abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is one of the most common body sculpting cosmetic procedures requested by patients. However, undergoing a tummy tuck can be a daunting decision to make. There is a lot to think about and it’s important to be informed before going ahead with the procedure. So here’s our list of everything you need to know first.

What is it?

A tummy tuck involves the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdominal area while also tightening the muscles beneath the skin. Often patients undergo tummy tucks after years of constant dieting and exercise with no visible results.

Who is the ideal candidate?

The perfect person to qualify for a tummy tuck is both healthy and moderately trim. They have controlled their weight through diet and exercise or weight loss surgery (i.e. lap band), but continue to experience excess skin or fat and are unable to obtain the flat and toned stomach they desire.

People who are not ideal candidates for tummy tucks are those who:

  • Are planning a future pregnancy
  • Would like to lose a large amount of weight
  • Have unrealistic expectations

For these people, we recommend undergoing abdominoplasty surgery later, as the benefits of a tummy tuck procedure may be undone by changes in muscle tone and skin elasticity.

The procedure

There are two different types of tummy tuck procedures depending on your characteristics:

  1. A partial abdominoplasty: Also known as a “mini tummy tuck” and is effective for patients with excess skin and fat below the belly button only
  2. A full abdominoplasty: Used to correct the area below the belly button as well as the loose skin and muscle tone above

Depending on the procedure, the surgery will take from two to five hours after you’ve been anaesthetised.

The doctor will start by making a horizontal incision between your hipbones. They will then lift the skin at the incision to access your abdominal muscles, which are tightened and stitched into their new positions. Finally, they will stretch the skin downward and remove any excess skin before closing the incision.

The “mini tummy tuck” is the same as the full abdominoplasty procedure except it skips the tightening of the abdominal muscles step.

The recovery

Following abdominoplasty surgery, you can expect to remain in hospital anywhere from a few hours to a few days.You will leave with a support garment and any drains which may have been placed.

It’s normal to experience some swelling and pain in the first few days, but your recovery time will be dependent on your current health and the extent of the surgery performed. Your doctor will prescribe you the adequate pain medication to help reduce discomfort.

A week after surgery any stitches will be removed and after another week the dressings covering your incision will be removed along with any drains.


Tummy tuck surgery will result in a scar because it requires an incision. During the procedure, your doctor will work to minimise the length of the scar and will make the incision low enough on your abdomen so it can be covered by a bathing suit.

You’ll be given comprehensive instructions to help ensure the scar heals as well as possible in the recovery phase. However, there are many factors that contribute to scar healing, including:

  • Every person is different
  • Smoking
  • Whether you follow recovery directions with care

Generally it takes a few months to notice an obvious improvement in the appearance of scars, and for most people scars will only lighten in colour and become flat after around nine months.


It’s important when enquiring about abdominoplasty surgery to understand the limits of the procedure. You must have realistic expectations. You are not going to roll off the operating table looking like a swimsuit model. What you will wake up to is a lot of pain, but the results will be worth it.

You must also be prepared for the stomach maintenance involved after a tummy tuck. When considering the procedure ask yourself first: Am I truly ready to commit to the dietary, exercise requirements and lifestyle that are necessary for successful stomach maintenance?

With any cosmetic surgery procedure, there’s always the fear of the unknown. But when you choose a professional and experienced doctor and practice, you can rest assured you’re in safe hands – literally. Contact Timeless Cosmetics to book your tummy tuck consultation today.