January 5, 2016 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

Microdermabrasion is a fantastic procedure that is providing a new lease on life to tired and worn skin across the globe. The procedure can provide significant benefits including reducing fine lines and improving the pores of the skin.

While this extremely effective and low impact process is becoming increasingly popular, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with it and how to avoid them.

The virtually painless and non-surgical nature of Microdermabrasion has led to a proliferation of practitioners who offer these services, some of whom are unaccredited or not medically trained. Operating out of premises such as beauty clinic and day spa’s these venues can be a highly risky place to have a Microdermabrasion preformed. This is as the most significant risk involved with the procedure is if it is carried out under unsterile conditions. Such conditions put patients at the risk of contracting infections if the equipment is not properly sanitised.

Another risk associated with Microdermabrasion is the improper application of the tools used. If the equipment used is applied a too high a strength then there is a risk of marks and cuts to the person’s skins as the crystals that are used as an exfoliate are provided enough force to break the skin.

A way to ensure that all work is carried out in a professional and safe environment is to seek to services of a medically trained practitioner that is working out of a consulting clinic or something similar. Also checking to see if the person preforming the procedure is accredited with local governing bodies is a good bet that their work will be as risk free as possible. It is worth noting that a physician is the best equipped to diagnose any existing skin conditions that could have the potential to adversely affect the treatment.

Do you want more information about Microdermabrasion? Timeless Cosmetics is one of Perth’s leading cosmetic surgery practices and our team is here to help with any questions you may have. Get in touch with us today here or on 08 9544 5200.