
March 30, 2018 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

Fractional rejuvenation ‘Fractora’ is a surfacing treatment that reduces wrinkles to vastly improve the appearance of aging skin and slow down the effects of aging. Fractora works by delivering radio frequency (RF) energy to the skin via an array of pins that produce localised heat and small micro-lesion dots in the sub-dermal tissue of the treatment area to revitalise the collagen, which is a major structural protein in the skin. This promotes the restructuring of skin’s tissue and an improved appearance of the skin.

The most popular places to treat are facial areas that have fine or deep wrinkles such as the cheeks, the forehead, mouth, and areas around the eye. Fractora can also be used to treat other skin conditions like acne, other facial scarring, and skin discolorations.

Fractora Skin Treatment (InMode)

How is Fractora different from other skin laser treatments like Fraxel?

While Fraxel and Fractora devices use fractional technologies at different wavelengths to treat a fraction of skin at a time, Fractora is safer, effective, and far more superior than Fraxel.

  • Fraxel uses light energy to prompt collagen production while Fractora uses RF energy to stimulate the regenerative process by rebuilding the skin’s collagen fibres and resurfacing the skin. This reduces wrinkles, slows the aging process. It also fixes other skin problems like discolouration and acne scarring.
  • Fraxel is best suited for people with lighter skin tones because it carries risks of pigment scarring by creating too much pigment (hyperpigmentation), or by damaging the skin’s pigment (hypopigmentation), thereby scarring the skin with white, colourless spots that cannot be corrected. Fractora can be used on all types of skin tones because unlike Fraxel, radio frequency is colour-blind. This makes it a safer option for people with darker skin tones.
  • Unlike Fractora, Fraxel only treats skin’s top layer. This means the damage to the surface of the skin is more pronounced and takes a long time to heal. Fractora’s scattering of micro-lesions on the skin means the majority of repair is done under the skin. This maximises results and means that the damage to the surface of the skin is more minimal than Fraxel. As a result, your skin heals far more quickly.

Types of Fractora treatments

Fractora treatments are separated into three categories: light, moderate, and deep treatments.

  • Light treatments use a low energy setting and are done every 2-4 weeks. Treatment times are usually 6-8 treatments. Sometimes more treatments are needed to meet desired results. The recovery time is 1-2 days. However, redness can last up to a week.
  • Moderate treatments use a higher energy setting and are done every 2-6 weeks for 4-6 treatments. The recovery time is around 3-4 days.
  • Deep treatments may only require 1-3 treatments which can be repeated every 6 weeks or up to 6 months after the initial treatment. The recovery time takes 5-7 days, but can be longer.

Fractora can cause some discomfort, especially during the moderate and deep treatments. A numbing cream is usually applied to the treatment area prior to the procedure.

Treatment results are typically visible within two weeks.

What kind of post procedure care is required after the treatment?

Moisturising the treatment area and avoiding direct sun exposure is a must after treatment. We don’t mean locking yourself in the house and staying out of the sun, but activities like sunbathing are not recommended. In addition to preventing any future risks of sun damage, we recommend patients use a good, broad spectrum sunscreen every day. We also advise patients to get the treatments done as we move into the winter months.



Are you interested in having Fractora done? At Timeless Cosmetics, our trained professionals are available to answer all of your questions regarding the procedure. We are incredibly passionate about helping you look and feel your best. Give our clinic a call on 9544 5200 or contact us today to speak to one of our trained professionals or to schedule an appointment.