June 11, 2015 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

It is easy to put all of your trust in your doctor, but how do you choose the right surgeon for your cosmetic surgery? Your choice in surgeon is a decision you will live with for years and should not be taken lightly, as poor results can have a devastating affect that lead to additional costs, time and stress. Here you will find some important information which may assist you in reaching the right decision.


It is important to find out whether or not your doctor has undertaken specialist training through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. This specialist training differentiates plastic surgeons who have undertaken eight to ten years of extensive education compared to a cosmetic surgeon who only requires a basic medical degree.

Experience in the procedure

Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor how much experience they have performing a specific procedure. The more experience a surgeon has the more skill and confidence they encompass when dealing with any complications that may arise during or after surgery. A surgeon who has performed your procedure numerous times will also be able to show more before and after examples of their work.

Quality of care

Holistic care should be standard practice. Your surgeon should meet with you as many times as required prior and post surgery to provide you with the best comprehensive care and to ensure that your recovery is progressing well. It is vital to find out if you are covered by insurance if any issues do arise.

Don’t base your decision on cost

There is no secret that any surgery can cost quite a considerable amount but you should not choose your surgeon based on the lowest quoted price. Any surgery should be seen as an investment for yourself and by choosing the cheaper option there may be a higher risk of a negative outcome.

Get a second opinion

A second opinion is thoroughly encouraged to help gain further understanding about your available options. It is important to recognise that there are always various ways to approach and resolve an issue. A suggested method provided by another specialist might be a better solution for you.

Ask questions

Above all, the most beneficial aspect to help with your decision is to ask your doctor as many questions as possible. You need to feel comfortable with your surgeon and with the procedure that you have chosen. Your surgeon should respond to any queries that you may have with honest, trustful and reputable answers.

All surgeries hold considerable risks but by finding the best surgeon for your procedure, you can feel confident in your decision to move forward with your procedure. For more information, please consult us here at Timeless Cosmetics and we will be happy to answer all of your questions and give you additional information regarding surgery and procedures.