March 22, 2016 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

Liposuction is a widely promoted and well-known cosmetic surgery procedure which means that when people think of making a change to their appearance through surgical procedures they think of liposuction. In most cases, another procedure will better achieve their goals and suit their body.

We’ve put together a list of criteria that will help you to determine if liposuction is the cosmetic surgery treatment for you.

Your goal isn’t to lose weight but to have a better shape and figure

The most common misconception around liposuction is its purpose. Liposuction isn’t a weight loss surgery; liposuction is a body contouring surgery.

If you have disproportionate areas of fat on your body that you can’t shift through diet and exercise and want to smooth bulges that have always existed then liposuction is an option.

Liposuction shouldn’t be used to shift large amounts of fat from the entire body as an alternative to normal weight loss tactics.

You are already looking after your body well and are at a desired weight

Following on from the previous point, liposuction is great for when you are a desired weight and are struggling to move random pockets of fat from areas like your arms, hips and stomach.

Maintaining the results from liposuction surgery require a healthy and active lifestyle so to be sure you can look after your body following the procedure it is important that you have kept a good routine for your eating and exercise habits for some time.

Your skin has great elasticity

Liposuction only removes the fat cells from underneath the skin, it doesn’t remove skin. For your body to take to its new shape it is important that your skin has natural elasticity to avoid becoming saggy and loose.

Older liposuction patients with less skin elasticity may also opt for a tummy tuck or skin removal procedure to achieve the desired results.

You have realistic expectations

Go into your consultation and liposuction surgery knowing the potential and limitations of this procedure, and if it is right for you and what you want to get out. Understand the time it takes to see full results after the surgery, and the aftercare involved so you can fully commit to working with your surgeon and body to getting the absolute best result.

If you think liposuction is suitable for you, or would like to know what cosmetic procedures are available for the results you would like, get in touch with Dr Gordon Padovan’s team and arrange a no-obligation consultation.