March 9, 2018 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.


Facial wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. When we are young, our skin is thicker, hydrated, and high in elasticity. As we age, our skin becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic due to a decrease in natural substances such as collagen (which is the major structural protein in the skin), elastin (the protein that causes our muscles to stretch), and hyaluronic acid (which gives our skin volume).

What are some other factors that cause facial wrinkles?

  • Facial muscle contractors: Whether it’s laughing, smiling, frowning or squinting, facial wrinkles occur when we use our muscles to form facial expressions. These wrinkles are called dynamic wrinkles. When we are young, our skin springs back to its initial position after we make a facial expression. As we grow older and our skin starts to lose its elasticity, the dynamic wrinkles become static and do not smooth out.
  • Lifestyle habits: Bad habits such as smoking and high exposures to sunlight and UV light through sunbathing, rapidly breaks down the skin’s connective tissue (collagen and elastin fibres) and speeds the natural aging process.
  • Factors beyond our control: There are also factors beyond our control that determine how quickly facial wrinkles form and how noticeable they are. Factors such as genetics and the colour of a person’s skin determine how susceptible they’ll be to getting wrinkles. For instance, someone with a darker skin tone is less vulnerable to the sun’s effects (meaning they are at a lower risk of getting wrinkles) than someone with a lighter skin tone.

What can I do to give my face a more youthful appearance?

Some people believe the only way to gain a more youthful appearance is by having a facelift. However, there are other ways to give your face a youthful glow without having to go under the knife.

  • Sunscreen: Protecting your face by using sunscreen is one of the best ways to keep it looking youthful. This is especially important in our Australian environment because the continent experiences some of the highest levels of UV radiation in the world. This causes sunburns, skin cancer, and premature aging. In addition to protecting you from future risks of skin cancer, a good, broad-spectrum sunscreen also reduces wrinkles and slows the aging process. Make sure you use a hat as well when you go outside!
  • Creams and lotions: As we age, our skin loses vital oils and water, and becomes drier as a result. Moisturisers soothe dry skin and can make wrinkles look less noticeable. They contain water, which replenishes the skin tissue and helps the skin maintain good moisture. Moisturisers also help to increase the skin’s elasticity. You can also keep your body hydrated by drinking more water.
  • Exfoliating creams: Exfoliating creams can also improve the appearance of older skin by getting rid of dead skin cells and leaving you with glowing skin.
  • Quitting bad lifestyle habits: Ending bad lifestyle habits such as smoking does wonders for your skin. Smoking deprives the skin of oxygen and vital nutrients. When you quit smoking, your skin becomes more resistant to premature aging.

Facial rejuvenation treatments

While the tips mentioned above can give your skin a more youthful appearance and prevent the appearance of wrinkles, some people find they need prominent treatments that gets rid of their wrinkles altogether. At Timeless Cosmetics, we offer a range of Facial Rejuvenation procedures such as:

  • Wrinkle Relaxers and Dermal Fillers: Wrinkle relaxers relax specific facial muscles that cause wrinkles such as frown lines and crows feet. Dermal fillers add natural looking volume to the face to by filling facial folds and wrinkles.
  • Fractora Facial Resurfacing (Fractora): The treatment involves using Radio Frequency (RF) to heat the skin. This promotes the restructuring of tissue for skin rejuvenation and an improved appearance of the skin.
  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): The procedure involves taking a small sample of your blood and extracting the platelets from it. The platelets are then injected back into the facial areas that require rejuvenation to aid the tissue healing process and stimulate collagen production.
  • Microdermabrasion: It’s a non-surgical procedure that deeply exfoliates and polishes the skin by removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores. This stimulates new cell growth and improves wrinkles.
  • Chemical Peels: Non-invasive, superficial peels are used to achieve smoother, brighter, and glowing skin by removing old and dead skin, and forcing the regeneration of the skin’s outer layer.
  • Non-Surgical Double Chin Removal: An injectable treatment that improves the appearance of double chin by reducing the fat beneath the chin.


Do you want to get the smooth and glowing skin you’ve dreamt of having? Our trained professionals at Timeless Cosmetics are very passionate about helping you look and feel your best. We are available to answer all of your questions regarding the facial procedures we offer at Timeless Cosmetics.

Give our clinic a call on 9544 5200 or contact us today to speak to one of our trained professionals or to schedule an appointment.