January 30, 2020 by Kate Stagg & filed under News.

As we roll further into the new year, gone are the days of relaxing by the pool and beach, sipping cocktails and taking it easy. It’s time to go back to work and resume the tasks we were able to dodge over the holidays. Whether you’ve got new clients, new finances or new targets at your job, or a whole house to clean and kids to get to school, it can all be… There’s one word for it… Stressful!


How does stress cause wrinkles on the face?


Stress is a fight or flight response we have inherited from our ancestors. Modern day stressors can induce this response which causes muscles to tense, including the ones in your face. This might be why you find yourself frowning or clenching during times of stress! Tensing your face, including frowning, squinting and raising your eyebrows frequently and/or for long periods of time can cause deep set wrinkles to form.

Stress can also affect your sleep. Have you ever found that you don’t sleep as well when you’re stressed about something? Poor sleep quality can reduce your skin’s ability to regenerate, and can leave your skin looking dull and tired, and more susceptible to premature signs of ageing.



How can wrinkle relaxers help me?


Wrinkle relaxers do exactly that—they relax the muscles in your face that would otherwise contract and cause wrinkles. Then, over time, these lines will eventually smooth.

The most common areas we treat with wrinkle relaxers are frown lines, crow’s feet and forehead lines.

If you’re in the habit of frowning during times of work (at your computer or that long report) or stress, then chances are you have lines that are treatable with wrinkle relaxers. Wrinkle relaxers can improve the look of your skin by reducing signs of premature ageing, giving you that confidence boost you need to get on with your busy life!


Okay, what’s the treatment like?


Our wrinkle relaxers are made of a natural purified protein that targets wrinkle causing muscles. Generally, the treatment takes around ten minutes, and discomfort is minimal. To make sure you’re as comfortable as possible, we can use ice and comfort cream.

As there may be a little redness (which will settle soon after) after the procedure, we provide mineral cover up if you need to get on with your day.

It can take 2-3 days for the wrinkle relaxers to start taking effect and 10-14 days to see the final result. The effects can last up to four months, after which your lines will slowly return. To help you get the most out of your wrinkle relaxer treatment, we recommend booking follow-up sessions in advance. We have an automatic reminder system, so you’ll never miss an appointment!




Smooth your skin this new year!


Treat yourself to a wrinkle relaxer treatment this new year at Timeless Cosmetics and fall in love with your skin again. You’ve been busy—you deserve it!

Give us a call on (08) 9544 5200 to book your appointment now, or to ask any questions. We’d love to help you be wrinkle-free!