June 15, 2015 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

Preparing yourself with the right information for post-operative care and recovery and also prepping yourself psychologically are extremely important aspects of getting cosmetic procedures.

It is essential that you learn everything you can about your choice of surgical procedure, your surgeon and the crucial steps you should take to ensure a fast recovery before stepping inside a cosmetic surgery clinic for consultation.

What this will ensure is that your surgery goes smoothly and provides the results you desire. To help you successfully prep for your cosmetic surgery consultation, here are some useful tips for post-op care that you should consider.

Make Appropriate Discharge Arrangements

It is important to have someone you trust (a family member or perhaps a close friend) who you can rely on to look after you and drive you from the clinic after surgery.

Make sure the room you will stay in during your recovery period is prepared, clean and comfortable as you will be spending long periods of time here after surgery.

Avoid Overeating

A day before your surgery you won’t be able to eat any heavy meals and as a result you will feel quite hungry once the procedure is finished. As a result this may lead you to eat a larger amount of food too quickly resulting in problems such as gassiness, constipation or bloating – which could impede on your healing or recovery process. So the key here is to eat slowly and eat in moderation.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet with all important nutrients, vitamins and minerals is essential in building and maintaining a strong immune system to ward off infections and promote healthy and speedy healing.

Consider Vitamin Supplementation

Vitamin supplementation will ensure you get essential vitamins and minerals required for a swift recovery. Vitamin A, C, B complex, K and zinc are particularly useful for healing and recovery.

Ensure You Get Adequate Sun Exposure

Contrary to popular belief, sun exposure is not a bane for prompt healing and can actually hasten your recovery. Sunshine helps your body synthesize Vitamin D, which boosts the immune system, reduces the risk of inflammation and maintains healthy blood sugar levels. Make sure you get at least 15 to 20 minutes of sunshine.

Don’t Disregard Pain

The degree of pain after surgery will depend upon what type of procedure you’ve had and how extensive it is. Your surgeon will give you pain killers and other medications to deal with pain. Follow and take the prescribed medicines and do not hesitate to see or inform your doctor immediately if you don’t get adequate pain relief.

Tend To Your Surgical Incisions

Follow your surgeon’s instructions on how to properly clean and take care of the incision area. You should also check for any signs of infection, such as red streaks or unusual discharge on the surgery site, and immediately inform your surgeon.

Stay Active

Although performing strenuous activities is not recommended typically for the first two weeks, you should not just laze around. Try walking around and performing very light exercises to prevent blood clotting and ensure healthy bowel movement.

Get Adequate Sleep

Sleep is the time the body undergoes repair and detoxification. You must overcome sleep disturbance, which comes with surgical procedures, and ensure you’re getting enough sleep.

Get Some Company

Make sure you have someone to take care of you, keep you company, and to share your feelings about your health and the progress of your recovery. By having good people around you during this period will boost your mood and assist with a quick recovery.

Follow Your Doctor’s Post-Operative Instructions Religiously

After the cosmetic procedure, it’s important to keep all follow-up appointments to allow your doctor to monitor your progress. Follow all of your doctor’s instructions for after surgery care to ensure you achieve your desired result.

For more information, please consult us here at Timeless Cosmetics and we will be happy to answer all of your questions and give you additional information regarding surgery and procedures.