June 18, 2015 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

Tummy tuck surgery is a surgical procedure which aims at removing excess fat and skin as well as restoring weakened muscles to achieve a contoured, firmer and streamlined abdominal area.

The most common causes of loose abdominal skin include pregnancy, aging, weight fluctuations, heredity and even prior surgery. However, not everybody can qualify for abdominoplasty. At Timeless Cosmetics we will be able to assess your overall health in order to ascertain whether you are an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck procedure or not. Some of the conditions you must meet include:

  • You should not be excessively overweight
  • You should not be pregnant
  • You should not be planning to have future pregnancies
  • You should be in good health to avoid complications after the procedure.

To avoid complications after this surgical procedure, candidates must be able to fully satisfy these requirements.

Extra Abdominal Skin is one of the key conditions you must fulfill before we approve your abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) request. Having additional extra loose skin makes it much simpler to perform this procedure, and as a tummy tuck candidate, it will be easy to notice an improvement in your abdominal appearance.

Pregnancy affects the shape of the abdominal area mainly through weakening of muscles and also in the loosening of the skin. The weakened muscles or loose skin do not shift back to the normal position after childbirth and this can be one of the main calls for tummy tuck surgery.

Older Individuals may look to a tummy tuck procedure as the normal aging process leads to loosening of the abdominal skin which makes them ideal candidates for abdominoplasty.

Weight Loss individuals who have lost weight are primary candidates for abdominoplasty since burning of fats in the abdominal area leads to sagging skin. On the other hand, there are individuals with excess fat which extend to the back side; this can be removed through extended tummy tuck surgery to give them a streamlined and well contoured tummy.

Who Does Not Qualify For Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Some individuals may not be approved to undergo a tummy tuck operation due to:

  • Lack of good physical health.
  • Overweight with excess amount of fats around the internal organs.
  • Internal or external scars from previous abdominal surgical procedures.
  • Expecting future pregnancies.
  • Suffering from certain diseases such as diabetes which could interfere with healing of the wounds as well as heart diseases.

Do You Have Realistic Expectations?

There is a limit to what tummy tuck can give and what it can’t and hence it’s important to understand before undergoing the procedure. Removal of excess skin, tightening of muscles and getting rid of excess fat produces a well contoured body. However, we do advise that tummy tuck does not correct stretch marks although it might improve their appearance.

As a tummy tuck candidate, it’s vital to understand the risks, the costs and the time it will take for you to recover before committing yourself to the procedure.

For more information, please consult us here at Timeless Cosmetics and we will be happy to answer all of your questions and give you additional information regarding surgery and procedures.