January 13, 2016 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.

A recent study from the University of Michigan has determined that a surgeon’s technical skill is a major factor in postoperative outcomes. Although this has been widely assumed there had previously been difficulty collecting empirical evidence to prove it. It was found that the more skilled the surgeon the faster the operation was completed, with happier patient outcomes. In comparison, patients of the least-skilled surgeons had triple the rate of complications.

The study found that even among surgeons that are fully trained and practicing in a single specialty, there was remarkable variation in empirical ratings of their skill. What this means for people considering cosmetic surgery is that their choice of surgeon should be at the top of the list when considering surgery, even above the type of procedure or technology involved. This is because a top surgeon can inform the patient of the best procedure to suit their unique needs, rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

So how to know if a surgeon is highly skilled? There are a few things you need to consider.

Education and Training

Of course there are minimum requirements that all surgeons practicing in Australia must meet as determined by the Medical Board of Australia, but what training has your surgeon completed beyond the minimum?

In particular, you should consider any specific subspecialty training as this helps to accelerate their familiarity with the particular set of procedures. For example, fellowship programs in the USA are renowned for elevating surgeon’s skills in particular subspecialties such as breast augmentation or liposuction.

Experience in the Procedure You Want

How frequently does the surgeon perform the procedure that you want? This is an important question because you want to ensure that the cosmetic surgeon you choose is well-matched to deliver the outcome you desire.

Consider the benefits of choosing a cosmetic surgeon who performs the procedure you are interested in as a large percentage of his or her practice: that surgeon will be more likely to have worked with a variety of patients with different body types and will also likely be skilled in the most current techniques. Additionally, an experienced surgeon has had more opportunity to build skill and develop the confidence to deal with any complications that may arise during surgery.

Common Goals

Rather than promising the world, a good surgeon will invest time and energy during the pre-operative consultation period to help their patients identify their cosmetic surgical goals. This way both the surgeon and the patient share the same expectations for the operation.

Additionally, a good surgeon will be completely honest about the reality of your procedure – even telling you the things you may not want to hear. The surgeon should provide specific details about the best procedure to achieve your desired result, whether you are a good candidate for surgery, the risks and possible complications involved in the procedure, and what the costs will be.


Dr Gordon Padovan is well known for his exceptional cosmetic work in the areas of breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, as well as anti-wrinkle treatment. To find out more information about the procedures offered by Dr Padovan, please contact our friendly team at Timeless Cosmetics here or by calling (08) 9544 5200.