October 10, 2017 by Timeless Cosmetics & filed under News.


Celebrating your body and being proud of the skin you’re in can make an enormous difference to your confidence and feeling of self-worth. That’s why body contouring cosmetic surgery procedures such as liposuction are gaining more and more popularity and prominence in today’s society.


However, like all cosmetic surgeries, it’s important to do your research and consider your options, as there are a few key facts you should know first. Read on to find out our picks for the top 6 facts you need to know before getting liposuction.


  1. You’re not ‘cheating’ when you choose Liposuction


For those who don’t know much about the surgery and what it entails, they may view it as an “easy way out” or a “lose weight fast” scheme. This couldn’t be further from the truth.


In fact, liposuction aids in reducing and negating trouble spots of the body that aren’t responsive to traditional weight loss methods such as diet and exercise.


In simple terms – it’s a way to help you become your best self. So if you’re considering liposuction to lose weight while avoiding diet and exercise, you’re not going to get the results you desire.


  1. Liposuction isn’t a fast way to a fit body


One of the most common misconceptions about liposuction is that it’s only for obese people who need a quick weight loss solution. In reality, liposuction is actually best for people close to their ideal body weight.


So when considering liposuction, it’s important to remember that it isn’t a weight loss surgery – it’s a body contouring surgery. Therefore, certain criteria needs to be fulfilled before you can be classified as a suitable candidate. Start by asking yourself:


  • Is my goal not to lose weight, but to have a better shape and figure?
  • Am I already looking after my body properly and am I at or close to my desired weight?
  • Does my skin have great elasticity?
  • Do I have realistic expectations?


  1. Anticipate some post-surgery pain


While Dr Padovan is very particular during the procedure to make cuts as small and few as possible in order to reduce healing time and the impact of scarring to your body, liposuction is still a major surgery, so there will be some pain afterwards.


The recovery process will include some discomfort and soreness likely to last for a few days. However, this pain can be controlled by medication administered by your surgeon as required.


You can also expect to experience some bruising and swelling after surgery. The significance of your procedure, the location and the technique used, will all impact the level of bruising.


  1. Final results won’t be immediate


Don’t expect immediate results when it comes to liposuction. It isn’t a way to make a major transformation to reach your perfect body shape instantly, and you’ll likely have to wait a few months to see the true results.


This is mainly due to the swelling experienced after surgery. While fat is removed, it’s initially replaced by fluids and swelling and it can take several months for this swelling to go down completely.


  1. Healthy habits are important after surgery


What many people tend to forget, is that liposuction merely aids you in reaching your ideal body shape and the hard work doesn’t stop now that you’ve had surgery.


While liposuction removes fat cells, it doesn’t prevent future weight gain. So it’s important to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle filled with plenty of diet and exercise to preserve the results you and your surgeon have worked hard to achieve.


  1. Pick the right surgeon


When it comes to any type of cosmetic surgery, selecting the right plastic surgeon is the most important aspect of the procedure. No matter what technology or techniques are used, it’s ultimately in your surgeon’s hands to achieve the best results.


So it’s important to find a surgeon with proven liposuction results and to feel completely comfortable with the entire surgical team who will be assisting in the procedure.


At Timeless Cosmetics in Perth, all liposuction procedures are performed by Dr Gordon Padovan, who is an industry leading surgeon in the application of innovative liposuction methods and is well-equipped to deliver you aesthetically beautiful results.

If you’re interested in the procedure, book an appointment at Timeless Cosmetics today.